Common Issues With Municipal Pipes

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rusty sewer pipes Charlotte, NC
There is no city in the world that can run effectively without a good sewer distribution system. Preventive measures are necessary to alleviate any possible potential issue. Without proper and prompt repairs, pipeline issues can build up, leading to the blockage of sewers in the entire city. Fortunately, Federal EC offers thorough pipe inspection in Charlotte, NC.

We typically discover the following issues when we perform sewer scoping on municipal pipes.

Aging Pipes

Most municipal pipes in Charlotte are designed to serve for about 50 years before wearing off. Old pipes need to be replaced before they cause problems for the whole community. Our team can utilize our sewer camera inspection equipment and expertise to determine which pipes are due for a replacement. Pipes used in any commercial or industrial capacity are typically made of certain materials, such as cast iron, steel, HDPE, and concrete, which have varying lifespans.

A pipe camera inspection will allow us to check the condition of the pipes, which type of material is there, and whether they require repairs or a complete overhaul. Steel pipes, for instance, can last up to 100 years. However, it doesn’t mean that you have to wait for those hundred years – significant signs of aging in pipes need to be addressed, especially when a compromised pipe can affect a whole community.

Clogged Lines

Flushing toilet paper might seem inconsequential, but if a whole community is doing it, then it could result in a significant problem. Debris and other junk can accumulate over a period of time and result in major pipe blockages, which will need drain inspection to identify the affected area for repair.

The challenges that municipal pipes face require proactive measures and the intervention of experts. Federal EC utilizes the most effective technology which we use to inspect and restore the affected pipes.

Contact us today for comprehensive pipe camera inspection services.


When you need top-quality pipe inspection and repair services in the greater Atlanta area and Charlotte, North Carolina, don’t think twice about getting in touch with us here at Federal EC. Our pipe specialists would be more than happy to assist you with all of your project requirements. Contact our team today by calling us or filling out the online form. Federal EC serves Atlanta, GA, and Charlotte, NC. We look forward to working with you.

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